Saturday, April 05, 2008

5c0r3!!!! (mom, that spells, "score," in geek-speek) (:

[Note, 12/8/2008: due to popular demand, all internet treadmill walk-station/work-station/desk-station posts have been moved the the following blog, ]

I just stumbled across the street to discover a yard-sale/garage-sale wrapping-up, and I'm not the proud new owner of a new, Teeter Hang Ups F7000 Inversion Table, purchased at approximately 85% off retail.

check it:

Stay tuned for instructions for implementation plan for integration of the inversion table with the treadmill workstation and fully-wired home gym. I think the existing keyboard/airmouse will be sufficient, with a possible need for a different keyboard mount (for upside down-ness). I will also consider speech recognition for both systems.

The other requirement will be video inversion software (like portrait/landscape/invert on PDA's) which is no biggie.

be good

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