Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Famous Rebecca Bryant

[just discovered this gem while doing some HDD housecleaning]

My sister, Rebecca Bryant, has officially surpassed me in "airtime," while I still hold a comfortable lead in the blogging category. Speaking of "lead," the reason for Rebecca's new found fame has to do with Architecture, Green Building, LEED Certification, and stuff that generally makes the world a better place.

Check it out:

  1. article (linking to webcast) here: http://cr0ck3tt.com/blogs/crockettdunn_blogspot_com/Rebecca_Bryant_Leed_Certified_Green_Architecture/KUHF City Buildings Go Green (2004-06-23).htm
  2. webcast (live), here: http://www.kuhf.org/upload/multimedia/green-building.ram
  3. webcast (archived wav file), here: http://cr0ck3tt.com/blogs/crockettdunn_blogspot_com/Rebecca_Bryant_Leed_Certified_Green_Architecture/Rebecca Bryant- LEED, Green, Sustainability.wav

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