Unwinding and looking forward to a visit from my family and lots of playing in snow with nephew & niece!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Listening to the Baja Men, "Who let the dogs out?"
It's almost over. I'll just tough it out.
Posted by
Crockett Dunn
2:26 PM
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Ever inadvertently typed a password into a tweet or FB?
Posted by
Crockett Dunn
5:19 PM
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
SEO Tip: Incoming Links
Incoming links are a heavily weighted factor in establishing your search engine ranking (your Google Page Rank). However, it is not the QUANTITY of links that is important (in fact, too many links from bad sources can actually hurt you), so much as the QUALITY of incoming links to your site.
OK, so what is this "quality" I am referring to? To define that, let's step back for a moment. To define what are quality in-links for your specific search engine campaign, you have to first have established your objective. This involves a thorough analysis including:
- Defining your competition
- Determining how your competition is being found on the internet (Read, in this context: extracting the key phrases your competition is successfully targeting)
- Thoroughly analyzing the competition's targeted key phrases to derive similar key phrases and discover targeted words your competition may be missing
- Performing a similar analysis of the competition's in-links and deriving a strategy including opportunities the competition may be missing
There is obviously a lot more to the above list, but I can stop there and limit the scope of discussion to factors related to in-links.
*Shameless plug: CDLLC can help you through the process of competition analysis and key phase targeting (steps 1-4), as part of an initial, discounted consultation. Our special tools automate the initial process of checking your key phrases against the reality of how Google sees you and your competition.
Once you have your competition defined and analyzed, it is possible to evaluate the QUALITY of incoming links of your competitors. Quality factors include:
- The search engine rank of the linking page/site (#1, #5, #50 in Google results page)
- The number of key phrases in the linked text of the page/site
- The Google Page Rank (different from the search engine rank #) of the linking page/site
- The number of quality links (quality defined by the criteria herein) to the linking page
- The key phrases in the TITLE of the linking pages
- The number of relevant incoming links.
At this point, you have a good idea of your competitions in-link situation, and it's time for the fun part (ok, maybe it's not everybody's idea of fun, but I love it): embarking on your link campaign!
-Crockett Dunn
Posted by
Crockett Dunn
8:42 AM
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Google Blended Search, Revisited
Sometimes clients look at me sideways when they find out they need to be discussing their products on YouTube or Facebook and Twitter. Why bother? The short answer is: Google recognizes and rewards "buzz" about your website. For the long answer, and an explanation of Google Blended Search Results, a.k.a. Google Universal Search, read on... |
Since May 2007, we have been hearing about Universal Search and Blended Search. Google was the first of the major Search Engines to unveil blended results as part of their main search results in May 2007 with Universal Search. ASK was second in June of 2007, followed by MSN in July 2007 and Yahoo in October 2007. Yet here we are two years later and the discussions have died down a little. When’s the last time you heard someone in your office discuss blended search? Of course there are exceptions and early adopters, but in discussions that I have with many, they are not yet leveraging blended search optimization. How is blended search affecting B2B websites? Should B2B sites be optimizing for blended search? What is Blended Search Optimization? Blended Search optimization is simply the process of developing relevant content in a format other than a typical web page so that it appears as part of the different types of search results within the major search engines. There are numerous types of blended search results that are now being featured as part of a search engines main results. Types of blended search results include videos, shopping results, images, news results etc. Why is Blended Search Important? The short answer is that searchers (i.e.. users of Search Engines) are expecting richer experiences. They are looking to find relevant information that answers their questions and their need for timely, relevant information. In the past, this need was satisfied by newspapers, print, radio and television. With the digital age and with the emergence of digital natives (More on Digital Natives here) and millennials, people are looking for dynamic types of content. Not just a blue link with a somewhat relevant description. Hence the need for blended results. Some users relate better to articles and press releases, others to podcasts, images or videos. The fact of the matter is, depending on the nature of the searcher’s query, the type of results that they are looking for will vary. This is why blended search is important. Someone looking for a new CMS solution may be more tuned in with a video demo as opposed to a webpage that describes what a CMS is. Blended Search results provide a richer experience and search landscape for the user. Searchers are looking for this. They are no longer satisfied with ten blue links on a results page. Does Blended Search Work for B2B? The short answer is that yes blended search optimization can work for business to business websites. It depends on your blended search strategy. For example, we know that unlike a B2C site that may feature a large variety of products, for B2B sites things such as optimizing shopping feeds to improve visibility with shopping results may not be the best avenue to pursue (for the simple facts that a typical B2B site may not have a series of "products" to submit). However, things such as video optimization, news release optimization, image and blog optimization can all help increase the visibility of a B2B site on a search results page. From an SEO perspective, blended search optimization can work well for B2B sites. The SERP landscape has become hyper-competitive over the past three or four years. Being found in Google, Yahoo, Live Search or even other vertical search engines is becoming increasingly difficult. While it is not necessarily about the rankings, it is about the visibility and about the click. A 2008 study on blended search from iProspect outlines, the continued importance for marketers to ensure that their digital assets are found within the first three pages, if not the first page, of search results. Blended Search provides an opportunity to accomplish this and in some cases effective blended search optimization can allow an organization to dominate the real estate of the Search. We have clients who actually represent 30-60% of a Google SERP for a given key phrase as a result of strong blended search optimization. The secret with blended search optimization for B2B sites is that there is no secret. You simply need to understand your audience and the type of content that they prefer to engage with. For B2B sites, this means testing the type of content that you feature on your site. Do users engage with videos better than PDFs? Or is your audience looking for news updates and articles describing your service/product offering? Perhaps they are looking for content that is updated frequently such as blog posts or maybe they are simply looking for user reviews and testimonials about your brand. This is where a social network result such as Facebook or Twitter may prove beneficial. While technically not a blended search result, social network results for your brand are a different type of result that elicit a specific response (participating in a community setting) from the searcher which is why we classify social network results as a "type of blended result". The fact is, the searcher may be looking for a different type of result when searching for your brand or related key phrase. Past search research dating back to 2004 shows that typically users will not look past the third page of search results, in fact many might not even click through to the second page of results. As a B2B site, having the ability to "own" multiple results (and multiple types of results) on page one of Google or Yahoo for a non-branded key phrase can provide a great return in terms of intercepting your audience. This is what blended search optimization can do for a site. You can have a traditional website result as well as a video result or perhaps a news result to intercept these clicks and gain this traffic. Three Types of Blended Results That B2B Sites Should Focus On While the following is not specific to B2B sites, here are three types of blended search optimization that B2B sites should focus on:
Originally published at marketing.jive.com: Does Blended Search Optimization Work for B2B? |
Posted by
Crockett Dunn
3:16 PM