Analisa & Crocket Summited Mt. Tallac... who'd a thunk it?
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This just in: photos from the real photographer in the family:
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Pictures of our own hike/climb, here ( Look at the freakin' terrain!!
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A few hours ago Analisa and I just climbed a mountain.
I had NO idea what I was getting into. Analisa said we were going "hiking."
Just look at that monster!Seriously, though, I'm glad I had the experience and look forward to many more... I'm hooked!
In another life, I have ice-climbed tethered to a crevasse-crossing team, camped on glaciers, canoed/portaged hundreds of miles of the border waters in the Canadian Quetico wilderness area, survived being trapped by mudslides from a tropical storm in NC's Pisgah forest, hiked Washington, Oregon, climbed Mt. Baker, and so on, etc.
However . . . my lifestyle has become, let's just say, a *bit* more sedentary as of late. I run a web technology gig (cdLLC) that involves lots of management via phone & email.
Translation: Much time is spent with my rear-end planted to a chair (when I'm not working from the world-famous internet treadmill workstation). I digress...
This was a BRUTAL hike/climb.
It's only five miles up, but at times, the trails seemed as if they were actually "booby-trapped" to roll an ankle or send a hiker plummeting off a rock face!Loose rocks everywhere. Some small, creating the effect of hiking a trail paved with marbles, and others large and jagged.
And every rock is a surprise :). "Are you a loose rock, a wobbly rock, perhaps a foot entrapment rock?"
Snowbanks turning the trail into mud at the narrowest point where there is sheer mountain wall drop-off to the other side. "Keep your hands on the snow and lean AWAY from the death drop."
Here is a website that tells the story of our journey (exact same trail). Read it if you want, but definitely check out the photos. They are amazing panoramas of the view, and great shots of the unique rock formations (credit: all photos on this post are from the aforementioned site)
It was not until we returned that I discovered this hike is rated a 10/10- the black diamond of climbs.
Now I feel victorious and am psyched up again.
Kilimanjaro, here I come!
Oh hey- I almost forgot. ATT HSPDA net access is available at the summit and many other trail segments, so you can video chat to prove you really made it. Or bring along the laptop, set up camp, and park your mobile office there for a few days.
Good times